StarkPro ST-003 Profesyonel Xiaokoa N81 Yaka Mikrofonu 2.4Ghz
KAMPANYA'YA KATILStarkPro ST-003 Profesyonel Xiaokoa N81 Yaka Mikrofonu 2.4Ghz

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Starkvision STC-JK3 Kaliteli Kırmızı DC PowerJack
Starkvision STC-JK3 Kırmızı DC Erkek Güç Jak Bağlantısı, güvenilir ve sağlam yapısı ile elektronik projelerinizde yüksek performans sunar. Özellikle güvenli güç bağlantısı gerektiren projeler için idealdir.
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Elektronik projelerinizin ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak ve uzun süre dayanıklı performans sağlamak için Starkvision STC-JK3 Kırmızı DC PowerJack ile güvenilir bir güç kaynağı bağlantısına sahip olun!
Pro-9800 Toplanti Konferans Mikrofon Seti Package Content 1 Central Unit 1 Chairman Unit 10 Delegate Units

Pro-9800 Toplanti Konferans Mikrofon Seti Package Content 1 Central Unit 1 Chairman Unit 10 Delegate Units
وحدة رئيس
ميزات المنتج:
1. مزود بميكروفون قابل للتوصيل مع هالة مؤشر التحدث باللون الأحمر، وميكروفون قصير مربع من سبائك الألومنيوم قابل للتوصيل اختياري مع عملية أنودة عالية القوة
2. كبسولة غشاء من الذهب الخالص 14 مم مدمجة، تقنية التقاط الميكروفون الاتجاهية، فعالة يمكن أن تصل مسافة الالتقاط إلى 20 سم – 60 سم
3. يحتوي النظام على وظيفة تلقائية ويدعم “التبديل السريع” للخطوط
4. تقنية الاتصال اليدوي T-bus، لن يؤثر فشل أو استبدال وحدة واحدة أو أكثر على عمل الوحدات الأخرى في النظام، مما يجعل النظام أكثر موثوقية
5. يحتوي كل مقعد مؤتمر على حجم قابل للتعديل زر لضبط مستوى الصوت بحرية
6. زر لمس خفيف للأخدود الصامت، أكثر راحة عند اللمس
7. وحدة الرئيس في النظام غير مقيدة ويمكن وضعها في موضع الحلقة
8. يحتوي الميكروفون على زر التحدث وضوء المؤشر، والتي يمكن التحكم فيها/الإشارة إليها حالة الجهاز هي
9. إنه أحادي الاتجاه وله وظيفة منع صوت انفجار الهواء. وقد تم تجهيز الميكروفون بغطاء واقي مقاوم للرياح
10. وحدة الرئيس في النظام غير مقيدة بالوظيفة المقيدة وظيفة التحدث ذات الأولوية ويمكن التحكم في حقوق التحدث للممثلين
11. تعتمد الوحدة اتصال من النوع “T” 8 النواة أو اتصال شبكة RJ45 أكثر ملاءمة وسهل الاستخدام
12. استهلاك طاقة منخفض للغاية، وحدة الحضور لديها المزيد أكثر من 10 ساعات من وقت التحدث المستمر وأكثر من 20 ساعة من زمن الانتظار. تحتوي الوحدة على وظيفة الشحن الخاصة بها. التكوين القياسي: 3 بطاريات عادية رقم 5. تحتاج إلى الشحن: قم بشراء بطاريات هيدريد معدن النيكل الأصلية والشاحن الذكي المطابق بشكل منفصل عن الشركة المصنعة لحماية البطارية بشكل فعال وإطالة عمر
البطارية يعتمد واجهة طيران رباعية النواة، مع اتصال مشترك من نوع مقبض الجوز، يمكن أن يكون تلقائيًا طريقة تحويل المكونات الإضافية
: استجابة التردد السعوية
: 80 هرتز – 15 كيلو هرتز
الاتجاهية: أحادي الاتجاه / فائق الاتجاه
مقاومة الإخراج (أوم): 1200 أوم
الحساسية: -35 ديسيبل
نسبة الإشارة إلى الضوضاء: 60 ديسيبل
مستوى الضوضاء المكافئ: 35 ديسيبل (أ) /20 يو Pa
التشوه التوافقي الإجمالي: 1%
جهد إمداد الطاقة: نظام DC24V
استجابة التردد: 50-16 كيلو هرتز
الحساسية: -42 ديسيبل ± 2 ديسيبل
مسافة التحدث المرجعية: 20 سم – 60 سم
شاشة LCD، اللغات الصينية والإنجليزية اختيارية
الوحدة التمثيلية SK-668B (شبكة RJ45 ذات 8 مراكز)
1. مزود بميكروفون قابل للتوصيل مع هالة مؤشر التحدث الأحمر، نوع اختياري قابل للتوصيل مع جذع ميكروفون قصير مربع من سبائك الألومنيوم المؤكسد عالي القوة
2. كبسولة غشاء من الذهب الخالص 14 مم مدمجة، تقنية التقاط الميكروفون الاتجاهي، يمكن لمسافة الالتقاط الفعالة يصل إلى 20 سم – 60 سم
3. يحتوي النظام على وظيفة تلقائية ويدعم “التبديل السريع” للخطوط
4. تقنية الاتصال اليدوي T-bus، لن يؤثر فشل أو استبدال وحدة واحدة أو أكثر على عمل الوحدات الأخرى في النظام، مما يجعل النظام أكثر موثوقية
5. يحتوي كل مقعد مؤتمر على أزرار لضبط مستوى الصوت ، يمكنك ضبط مستوى الصوت بحرية
6. أزرار اللمس الخفيفة الأخدود الصامت ، أكثر راحة عند اللمس
7. يحتوي الميكروفون على زر التحدث وضوء المؤشر، والذي يمكنه التحكم/الإشارة إلى حالة الجهاز
8. أحادي الاتجاه، مع وظيفة البوب المضادة للهواء، وقد تم تجهيز الميكروفون بدرع مقاوم للرياح بالداخل
9. تستخدم الوحدة اتصال سلك “T” 8 النواة أو اتصال شبكة RJ45، وهو أكثر ملاءمة وسهل الاستخدام.
10. استهلاك طاقة منخفض للغاية، وحدة الحضور لديها وقت التحدث المستمر لأكثر من 10 ساعات وزمن الانتظار لأكثر من 20 ساعة. تحتوي الوحدة على وظيفة الشحن الخاصة بها. التكوين القياسي: 3 بطاريات عادية رقم 5. تحتاج إلى الشحن: قم بشراء بطاريات هيدريد معدن النيكل الأصلية والشاحن الذكي المطابق بشكل منفصل عن الشركة المصنعة لحماية البطارية بشكل فعال وإطالة عمر
البطارية واجهة طيران رباعية النواة، مع اتصال موصل من نوع مقبض الجوز، قابلة للتوصيل وغير قابلة للتوصيل بحرية
طريقة النقل:
استجابة التردد السعوية: 80 هرتز-15 كيلو هرتز
الاتجاهية: أحادي الاتجاه/فائق الاتجاه
مقاومة الإخراج (أوم): 1200Ω
الحساسية: -35 ديسيبل
نسبة الإشارة إلى الضوضاء: 60 ديسيبل
مستوى الضوضاء المكافئ: 35 ديسيبل (أ)/20u Pa
التشوه التوافقي الإجمالي: 1%
جهد إمداد الطاقة: نظام DC24V
استجابة التردد: 50-16 كيلو هرتز
الحساسية: -42 ديسيبل ± 2 ديسيبل
مسافة التحدث المرجعية: 20 سم – 60 سم
طول الميكروفون: طول عمود الميكروفون: 41 سم
شاشة LCD
İRİG IK Multimedia İM-66 İrig Pads MIDI Pads Controller
iRig Pads MIDI Pad Controller for OS, Android, Mac and PC From IK Multimedia A Portable MIDI Pad Controller and Groove Production Station for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Mac, PC or Android Device. Features 16 Velocity Sensitive Drum Pads That Light Up in 3 Different Colors Depending on How Hard They Are Hit or MIDI Data Is Being Received.
* MIDI Pad Controller / Track Production Station
* Portable Design
* 16 Velocity Sensitive Pads
* Includes Lightning, 30-Pin, and USB Cables
* Pads Light Up in 3 Different Colors in Response to How Hard They Are Hit or Incoming MIDI Messages
* 2 Programmable MIDI Buttons, 1 Programmable Slider, 1 Programmable Button Rotary Encoder
* Bus Powered and Does Not Require Batteries or AC Adapter
* Sends and Receives MIDI Data
iRig Pads Push Device
For Even More Control, iRig Pads Includes an Expression/Sustain Pedal Input for Integrating an Optional Pedal.
MIDI Control Surfaces 16 x Pads (Velocity Sensitive)
2 x Rotary Encoder (Assignable)
1 x Slider (Assignable)
1 x Rotary Encoder (Assignable, Clickable)
1 x 1/4″ Expression Pedal / Sustain Input
Product Description
VGA/S-Video/RCA to VGA Converter
Ports: S-video, RCA, VGA
Application: Stream video from DVD, DVR, CCTV, STB or PC to PC/VGA monitor or TV/LCD.
PAL/NTSC auto-detection
Image freeze function
OSD (On Screen Display) function
Automatically save settings and working status when power off
Resolution Support:
800 x 600 @ 60Hz
800 x 600 @ 75Hz
1024 x 768 @ 60Hz
1280 x 1024 @ HZ
Comes with PIP (Picture-in-Picture) function, pictures can be enlarged, reduced or moved.
Plug and play; installation in seconds
Plug in power and start using immediately
Powered by USB port (Power supply: DC 5V 1A)
Package Contents
AV video cable
VGA male-male cable
USB power cable
4 pin S-video male-male cable
With this converter, you can easily transfer your videos and experience high-definition viewing!
StarkPro Xtuga A140 UHF Professional 4 Channel Desktop Gooseneck Wireless Microphone System Kit

StarkPro Xtuga A140 UHF Professional 4 Channel Desktop Gooseneck Wireless Microphone System Kit
Xtuga A140 UHF Professional 4 Channel Desktop Gooseneck Wireless Microphone System Set
About this product
·Professional UHF 4 channel wireless microphone system: Professional UHF microphone system delivers clear and lound sound signal and VHF, dj wireless microphone receiver, Fixed frequency, superior anti-interference ability. Upgraded wireless signal reception, 2 anting ennas can be installed on the back of the receiver, to enhance the received signal, ensure high frequency stability and accuracy
·Robust Design and High Quality Sound: Rugged all-metal construction for four-channel UHF wireless microphone receiver and high sensitivity unidirectional handheld microphones, suitable for heavy use. High quality dynamic cartridge is specially designed to limit feedback and interference, pick up sound smoothly and transmit sound smoothly. Deliver clear, stable, optimum real sound
·Simple and Convenient Operation: Both the receiver and microphone feature a high-end LCD display, and the battery usage and working status are clear at a glance, also the receiver has four XLR balanced outputs and one 1/4″ (6.35mm) mix output jack. can be externally connected to various external devices such as amplifiers, mixers, stereos and more
·Stable Transmission Technology and Versatile Use: FCC certification and comply with new FCC rules, Professional wireless microphone set for speech. Better sound quality improvements, separate volume control and adjustable volume output as needed, it is a perfect choice for any outdoor events such as party, wedding, speech, conference, small concerts, karaoke. With working range up to 300 Ft
·Package List and Service Warranty: 4 Channel UHF wireless receiver, 2 Antennas, 4 UHF wireless Desktop Gooseneck microphones, Power adapter, 1/4” Audio cable, User manual.
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Yan paneller
StarkPro ST-0504 Professional Handheld 4 UHF Wireless Dynamic Microphone Set

StarkPro ST-0504 Professional Handheld 4 UHF Wireless Dynamic Microphone Set
Introducing the 4 Channel Professional Handheld Dynamic UHF Wireless Vocal Microphone Set, designed for performers, speakers, and audio professionals who require clear, high-quality sound with the freedom of wireless operation. This advanced microphone set is perfect for live performances, karaoke, conferences, and events, offering exceptional audio performance and reliable connectivity.
Key Features:
4-Channel UHF Wireless System: This system offers four individual channels, allowing you to use up to four microphones simultaneously without interference, perfect for group performances or multiple speakers.
Dynamic Vocal Microphones: Engineered for superior sound clarity, these dynamic microphones are optimized for vocal performances, providing rich, full-range audio with minimal distortion, ideal for both professional and amateur use.
Stable Wireless Transmission: UHF (Ultra High Frequency) technology ensures a stable and clear signal, even over long distances, with a range of up to 80 meters (260 feet) in open spaces. Enjoy full freedom of movement while maintaining excellent sound quality.
Durable, Ergonomic Design: The microphones are built with durable, lightweight materials and feature an ergonomic design for comfort during extended use. Their robust construction makes them reliable in high-demand environments.
Easy Setup and Control: With intuitive controls and a simple plug-and-play receiver, setting up the system is quick and easy. The receiver features volume control for each channel, allowing you to adjust sound levels as needed for optimal performance.
Package Weight: 1400g
Package Dimensions: L: 32.5cm, H: 11cm, W: 13cm
Frequency Range: UHF 500-580 MHz
Wireless Range: Up to 80 meters (260 feet)
Microphone Type: Handheld Dynamic
Suitable for use with a wide range of audio equipment, including PA systems, mixers, and amplifiers.
Perfect for live events, karaoke, conferences, and other vocal performances.
What’s in the box
4 x Handheld UHF Wireless Microphones
1 x 4-Channel UHF Receiver
CVM-V02O Microfono lavalier omnidirezionale a condensatore Microfono con spina XLR Supporta alimentazione Phantom 48V

CVM-V02O Microfono lavalier omnidirezionale a condensatore Microfono con spina XLR Supporta alimentazione Phantom 48V
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Stark Pro STP-DJ 18 48 Volt Bluetooth Professional Multi Sound Effects Distribution Reduction Live Mixer Sound Card

Stark Pro STP-DJ 18 48 Volt Bluetooth Professional Multi Sound Effects Distribution Reduction Live Mixer Sound Card
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boya by-wm8 pro-k2
StarkPro 7937 AC Powercon Connector Male Plug 20A/250V
Color | blue |
Brand | BESCOOS |
Connector Gender | Female-to-Male |
Voltage | 250 Volts |
Input Current | 20 Amps |
About this item
StarkPro YZ-43 – 2.2KG Desktop Microphone Console Stand
StarkPro YZ-43 2.2KG Desktop Microphone Console Stand
– Weighing 2.2KG, this desktop microphone console stand offers durability and stability.
– It saves space on your desktop, making your workspace more organized.
– Among other features, the desktop design ensures easy usability in the office or home office environment.
KODAK Lithium Batteries
High energy for all your devices
Our new KODAK Ultra Lithium battery range implements our specialized battery technology to deliver heightened performance. These batteries are designed for high drain/ high power electronic devices. Delivering optimal performance in extreme conditions, the Lithium AAA is the perfect companion for those requiring power anywhere at all times.
NZMPro X3 Profesyonel Dj, Podcast, Yayın Ve Oyun Canlı Yayın Digital Ses Kartı

NZMPro X3 Profesyonel Dj, Podcast, Yayın Ve Oyun Canlı Yayın Digital Ses Kartı
NZMPro X3 Profesyonel Dj, Podcast, Yayın Ve Oyun Canlı Yayın Digital Ses Kartı
Brand | NZMPRO |
Number of channels | 5 |
Product Dimensions | 13D x 20.8W x 5.1H Centimetres |
Item weight | 0.72 Pounds |
Connectivity technology | USB |
Power source | Battery Powered |
Frequency | 20 KHz |
Output connector type | USB |
Audio input | USB |
Noise level | 12 dB |
About this item
TTAF Nano 2 RCA – 2 RCA Audio 1,5 m
portable cables from TTAF – TTAF Nano. Despite its external fragility, the cable has undergone a full cycle of engineering development in order to provide nominal parameters in a minimum size. As experience has shown, the engineers have done an excellent job!
Features of the TTAF Nano series: Designed to transmit analog audio signals with a bandwidth of up to 10 MHz Spiral shielding technology provides compact protection from external radiation All-metal connectors ensure precision and rigidity of contact Gold-plated 24K contacts provide minimal contact resistance Connector material – all-metal matte zinc alloy
Characteristics of the TTAF Nano 2 RCA – 2 RCA cable: Conductor material: tinned copper, 28AWG Shield material: spiral winding of tinned copper braid Sheath material: low-toxic PVC Capacitance: 155pF/m Wave impedance: 50 Ohm
Cable length – 1.5 m. The cable is supplied in a branded blister
Premium Software Suite Included

Ableton Live Lite is one of the most popular performance and production programs available in the world. A powerful music creation tool, Ableton Live Lite enables musicians and producers to spontaneously compose, record, remix, improvise, and edit musical ideas in a fluid audio/MIDI environment. Explore sonic possibilities in real time whether on stage or in the studio. When you are satisfied with your work, Ableton Live Lite lets you save it or mix it down.

Whatever you set out to achieve, MPC Beats will get you started. Incorporating the finest parts of the legendary MPC workflow, MPC Beats features all the essential tools for pro production. Edit samples, mixdown your tracks, find any sound with the synth engines found on the legendary MPCs, record audio and much more. MPC Beats will host your AU/VST plugins so as you expand your arsenal, know you’ll have complete compatibility with industry standard virtual studio technology.

The AIR Creative FX Collection features 20 effects that are used by some of the world’s most respected audio professionals. The AIR Creative FX Collection has been featured in many of the last decade’s top film, game and music projects. Each plugin has been expertly designed with ease of use in mind and will ensure professional results each time.
This exclusive and diverse collection delivers everything you need for creative production, mixing and mastering, including reverbs, equalizers, delays, filters and so much more.

80 effect plug-ins provided by AIR
Included are some extra goodies to help out any podcaster, guitarist, or producer. This exclusive and diverse collection delivers everything you need for creative production, mixing and mastering, including reverbs, equalizers, delays, filters and so much more.

A new standard for guitar amplifier modeling software
ReValver includes ValveKing® & Custom Lite Amp Modules, 3 x cabs, 3 x mics (with multiple selectable positions), and 3x effects.
AIR Music’s Mini Grand is a simple-to-use yet powerful virtual piano instrument with seven different acoustic piano sounds to suit a broad range of musical styles and production needs. Combining premium quality piano samples, innovative re-pedaling technology, built-in room simulation and equal and stretched tuning, Mini Grand is the go-to plugin for authentic, emotive piano sounds.
AIR Music’s Xpand!2 is a multitimbral workstation offering four active sound slots, or parts, per patch. Each part is provided with its own MIDI channel, Note Range (Zone), Mix, Arpeggiation, Modulation, and Effects settings—an excellent method for creating individual parts. Harnessing the four parts together to build one amazing Patch is where Xpand!2 reveals its true power. Using everything from wavetables and FM synthesis to sample playback, the expert sound design team at Air Music Tech has carefully created thousands of ready-to-play Xpand!2 patches.

AIR TubeSynth
The AIR TubeSynth plugin emulates the sound of vintage analog polyphonic synthesizers. Dive into a collection of warm pads, brass synths, and so much more in this massive collection of synthesizer presets.

AIR Electric
AIR Electric plugin is your total electric piano collection on MPC. Choose from a wide collection of keyboards like Rhodes, Wurlitzers, FM keyboards, and more. Dedicated control sections provide deep virtual control over keyboard pickups, envelope, bell and noise settings, and much more.

AIR Bassline
The AIR Bassline plugin emulates the sound of classic monophonic synthesizers. Create your own unique synth patches with the integrated AIR effects sections.
Chop up and mix 2 gigs of samples ranging from deep ambient synth pad loops to vintage drum one shots. These are all designed to inspire your music production and provide professional sounding samples that will shine in your mix. Touch Loops perfectly captures the tone and intensity of each sample, so they enhance and complement any song, wherever you use them. This incredible value can be found in your M-Audio account, ready to be downloade
V8 Sound Card, Sound Mixer for Live Sound
Number of channels 112
Connection technology Bluetooth
Power supply Battery
Output connector type 3.5mm headphone jack
About this item
Support echo volume adjustment, microphone volume adjustment, high and low bass adjustment, volume control, volume control, volume control (headphone function).
7 connection methods, mobile phone karaoke live broadcast, mobile phone live broadcast, three mobile phone live broadcast, laptop live broadcast, laptop live broadcast, mobile phone live broadcast with computer accompaniment, mobile phone live broadcast with meter input.
With 112 kinds of electroacoustics, 18 kinds of sound effects, and 6 kinds of effect modes, it will give you a different sound experience.
It is a sound card that can be directly connected to the Bluetooth playback device accompanying the mobile phone or tablet without connecting to the Internet.
It is compatible with mobile phones and computers as well as single headphones, which is very convenient.
Proel DB1A Active Direct Box
Single channel active D.I. Box with isolation transformer
D.I. Boxes (Direct Injection Boxes) are part of the essential set of tools required for any professional live sound situation or any application where the audio devices feature diff erent levels, impedance and connections. Transforming audio signals from unbalanced to balanced, D.I. Boxes reduce the possibility of electrical disturbances on the line – especially over long cable runs such as from a musical instrument to the FoH mixing console. The DB series includes three diff erent models of high-performance D.I. boxes: a single channel active (DB1A), a single channel passive (DB1P) and a dual channel active (DB2A). The circuitry of each model has been designed with the maximum care, using carefully selected electronic components, such as isolation transformers (DB1A, DB1P) and low-distortion ICs. This guarantees a clean, hum-free signal transmission from the instrument to the mixing consoles, even on very long cables, without impedance matching problems. On the front panels, a wide choice of connectors is available (XLR, JACK and RCA, depending on the model), allowing easy connection from a wide range of sources, including keyboards and samplers, guitars and basses, PC audio cards and any type of music player. The ACTIVE versions can be powered by 48 V phantom power from the mixing console, by a 9 V battery or, in large applications using many DI BOXES, by an external 9 V power adapter that can be daisy-chained using the double power connector on the rear panel. The innovative mechanical design of the three models includes an aluminum shell and rubber corners, which provide maximum protection in the toughest situations. When the two rubber corners are removed, two guides are exposed, allowing the coupling of two DI units, which can then be mounted in a 19” standard rack (rack ears included). This unique feature is extremely convenient for engineers who need to use a large number of DI BOXES in the same application.
Steinberg UR22 MKII Recording sound card
About this product
Allows you to use condenser microphones with 48 Volt Phantom Power
Allows you to record guitar and bass flawlessly with TRS instrument input
Behringer, a German-based brand, provides the opportunity to use for many years thanks to the high-quality materials it uses
MINI-6 6 Channel Professional Audio Mixer
About this item
Tvm Kb-5 Stereo Mixer Amplifier 290 Watt Effect-Ekho Usb
*Stereo Amplifier, 550 Watt – 145Wx2 + 240W:180×4
*Ac-3/DVD/VCD/CD Tape/Aux Input
*3/4 Channel, Special Sound Effect Processor
*Mic-Volume / Mic-Tone / Echo / Bass / Balance / Treble / Volume / Echo
*Effect / Mic. Tone Adjustment, Channel Control
*With Fan
Artsound Karaoke Box Set Mixer + 2 Microphones
Karaoke Box transforms any DVD player and television into a karaoke entertainment center. Thus, you can step into the magical world of karaoke by combining your voice with the music source you have. If we take a brief look at the contents of the KARAOKEBOX box, which was created for music lovers who want to make higher quality karaoke by using dual microphones to echo the voice as they wish or by adjusting the soloist’s voice to the desired level;
Two high-quality microphones, Model HQ-138. Another person can use the second microphone while performing a duet.
“Detachable cables” belonging to these microphones. These cables have a thick-tipped input called a nail jack. Since the nail jack is for professional use, it is not suitable for input to computers, tablets or smartphones. You can get efficiency in Windows 7 and above operating systems by thinning the nail jack microphone with a simple adapter and connecting it to your computer. However, we cannot guarantee that this is an easy way and that it will work 100%.
And finally, the main component of KaraokeBox; Audio-Mixer. It is a sound mixer with a particularly small structure so that it does not take up much space.
Power adapter to connect your Audio Mixer to the power source. 2 RCA cables with red, white and yellow ends that can transmit both video and audio to connect your mixer to related devices.
Geri bildirim gönder
KODAK Lithium Batteries
High energy for all your devices
Our new KODAK Ultra Lithium battery range implements our specialized battery technology to deliver heightened performance. These batteries are designed for high drain/ high power electronic devices. Delivering optimal performance in extreme conditions, the Lithium AAA is the perfect companion for those requiring power anywhere at all times.
NZMPro X3 Profesyonel Dj, Podcast, Yayın Ve Oyun Canlı Yayın Digital Ses Kartı

NZMPro X3 Profesyonel Dj, Podcast, Yayın Ve Oyun Canlı Yayın Digital Ses Kartı
NZMPro X3 Profesyonel Dj, Podcast, Yayın Ve Oyun Canlı Yayın Digital Ses Kartı
Brand | NZMPRO |
Number of channels | 5 |
Product Dimensions | 13D x 20.8W x 5.1H Centimetres |
Item weight | 0.72 Pounds |
Connectivity technology | USB |
Power source | Battery Powered |
Frequency | 20 KHz |
Output connector type | USB |
Audio input | USB |
Noise level | 12 dB |
About this item
TTAF Nano 2 RCA – 2 RCA Audio 1,5 m
portable cables from TTAF – TTAF Nano. Despite its external fragility, the cable has undergone a full cycle of engineering development in order to provide nominal parameters in a minimum size. As experience has shown, the engineers have done an excellent job!
Features of the TTAF Nano series: Designed to transmit analog audio signals with a bandwidth of up to 10 MHz Spiral shielding technology provides compact protection from external radiation All-metal connectors ensure precision and rigidity of contact Gold-plated 24K contacts provide minimal contact resistance Connector material – all-metal matte zinc alloy
Characteristics of the TTAF Nano 2 RCA – 2 RCA cable: Conductor material: tinned copper, 28AWG Shield material: spiral winding of tinned copper braid Sheath material: low-toxic PVC Capacitance: 155pF/m Wave impedance: 50 Ohm
Cable length – 1.5 m. The cable is supplied in a branded blister
Premium Software Suite Included

Ableton Live Lite is one of the most popular performance and production programs available in the world. A powerful music creation tool, Ableton Live Lite enables musicians and producers to spontaneously compose, record, remix, improvise, and edit musical ideas in a fluid audio/MIDI environment. Explore sonic possibilities in real time whether on stage or in the studio. When you are satisfied with your work, Ableton Live Lite lets you save it or mix it down.

Whatever you set out to achieve, MPC Beats will get you started. Incorporating the finest parts of the legendary MPC workflow, MPC Beats features all the essential tools for pro production. Edit samples, mixdown your tracks, find any sound with the synth engines found on the legendary MPCs, record audio and much more. MPC Beats will host your AU/VST plugins so as you expand your arsenal, know you’ll have complete compatibility with industry standard virtual studio technology.

The AIR Creative FX Collection features 20 effects that are used by some of the world’s most respected audio professionals. The AIR Creative FX Collection has been featured in many of the last decade’s top film, game and music projects. Each plugin has been expertly designed with ease of use in mind and will ensure professional results each time.
This exclusive and diverse collection delivers everything you need for creative production, mixing and mastering, including reverbs, equalizers, delays, filters and so much more.

80 effect plug-ins provided by AIR
Included are some extra goodies to help out any podcaster, guitarist, or producer. This exclusive and diverse collection delivers everything you need for creative production, mixing and mastering, including reverbs, equalizers, delays, filters and so much more.

A new standard for guitar amplifier modeling software
ReValver includes ValveKing® & Custom Lite Amp Modules, 3 x cabs, 3 x mics (with multiple selectable positions), and 3x effects.
AIR Music’s Mini Grand is a simple-to-use yet powerful virtual piano instrument with seven different acoustic piano sounds to suit a broad range of musical styles and production needs. Combining premium quality piano samples, innovative re-pedaling technology, built-in room simulation and equal and stretched tuning, Mini Grand is the go-to plugin for authentic, emotive piano sounds.
AIR Music’s Xpand!2 is a multitimbral workstation offering four active sound slots, or parts, per patch. Each part is provided with its own MIDI channel, Note Range (Zone), Mix, Arpeggiation, Modulation, and Effects settings—an excellent method for creating individual parts. Harnessing the four parts together to build one amazing Patch is where Xpand!2 reveals its true power. Using everything from wavetables and FM synthesis to sample playback, the expert sound design team at Air Music Tech has carefully created thousands of ready-to-play Xpand!2 patches.

AIR TubeSynth
The AIR TubeSynth plugin emulates the sound of vintage analog polyphonic synthesizers. Dive into a collection of warm pads, brass synths, and so much more in this massive collection of synthesizer presets.

AIR Electric
AIR Electric plugin is your total electric piano collection on MPC. Choose from a wide collection of keyboards like Rhodes, Wurlitzers, FM keyboards, and more. Dedicated control sections provide deep virtual control over keyboard pickups, envelope, bell and noise settings, and much more.

AIR Bassline
The AIR Bassline plugin emulates the sound of classic monophonic synthesizers. Create your own unique synth patches with the integrated AIR effects sections.
Chop up and mix 2 gigs of samples ranging from deep ambient synth pad loops to vintage drum one shots. These are all designed to inspire your music production and provide professional sounding samples that will shine in your mix. Touch Loops perfectly captures the tone and intensity of each sample, so they enhance and complement any song, wherever you use them. This incredible value can be found in your M-Audio account, ready to be downloade
V8 Sound Card, Sound Mixer for Live Sound
Number of channels 112
Connection technology Bluetooth
Power supply Battery
Output connector type 3.5mm headphone jack
About this item
Support echo volume adjustment, microphone volume adjustment, high and low bass adjustment, volume control, volume control, volume control (headphone function).
7 connection methods, mobile phone karaoke live broadcast, mobile phone live broadcast, three mobile phone live broadcast, laptop live broadcast, laptop live broadcast, mobile phone live broadcast with computer accompaniment, mobile phone live broadcast with meter input.
With 112 kinds of electroacoustics, 18 kinds of sound effects, and 6 kinds of effect modes, it will give you a different sound experience.
It is a sound card that can be directly connected to the Bluetooth playback device accompanying the mobile phone or tablet without connecting to the Internet.
It is compatible with mobile phones and computers as well as single headphones, which is very convenient.
Proel DB1A Active Direct Box
Single channel active D.I. Box with isolation transformer
D.I. Boxes (Direct Injection Boxes) are part of the essential set of tools required for any professional live sound situation or any application where the audio devices feature diff erent levels, impedance and connections. Transforming audio signals from unbalanced to balanced, D.I. Boxes reduce the possibility of electrical disturbances on the line – especially over long cable runs such as from a musical instrument to the FoH mixing console. The DB series includes three diff erent models of high-performance D.I. boxes: a single channel active (DB1A), a single channel passive (DB1P) and a dual channel active (DB2A). The circuitry of each model has been designed with the maximum care, using carefully selected electronic components, such as isolation transformers (DB1A, DB1P) and low-distortion ICs. This guarantees a clean, hum-free signal transmission from the instrument to the mixing consoles, even on very long cables, without impedance matching problems. On the front panels, a wide choice of connectors is available (XLR, JACK and RCA, depending on the model), allowing easy connection from a wide range of sources, including keyboards and samplers, guitars and basses, PC audio cards and any type of music player. The ACTIVE versions can be powered by 48 V phantom power from the mixing console, by a 9 V battery or, in large applications using many DI BOXES, by an external 9 V power adapter that can be daisy-chained using the double power connector on the rear panel. The innovative mechanical design of the three models includes an aluminum shell and rubber corners, which provide maximum protection in the toughest situations. When the two rubber corners are removed, two guides are exposed, allowing the coupling of two DI units, which can then be mounted in a 19” standard rack (rack ears included). This unique feature is extremely convenient for engineers who need to use a large number of DI BOXES in the same application.
Steinberg UR22 MKII Recording sound card
About this product
Allows you to use condenser microphones with 48 Volt Phantom Power
Allows you to record guitar and bass flawlessly with TRS instrument input
Behringer, a German-based brand, provides the opportunity to use for many years thanks to the high-quality materials it uses
MINI-6 6 Channel Professional Audio Mixer
About this item
Tvm Kb-5 Stereo Mixer Amplifier 290 Watt Effect-Ekho Usb
*Stereo Amplifier, 550 Watt – 145Wx2 + 240W:180×4
*Ac-3/DVD/VCD/CD Tape/Aux Input
*3/4 Channel, Special Sound Effect Processor
*Mic-Volume / Mic-Tone / Echo / Bass / Balance / Treble / Volume / Echo
*Effect / Mic. Tone Adjustment, Channel Control
*With Fan
Artsound Karaoke Box Set Mixer + 2 Microphones
Karaoke Box transforms any DVD player and television into a karaoke entertainment center. Thus, you can step into the magical world of karaoke by combining your voice with the music source you have. If we take a brief look at the contents of the KARAOKEBOX box, which was created for music lovers who want to make higher quality karaoke by using dual microphones to echo the voice as they wish or by adjusting the soloist’s voice to the desired level;
Two high-quality microphones, Model HQ-138. Another person can use the second microphone while performing a duet.
“Detachable cables” belonging to these microphones. These cables have a thick-tipped input called a nail jack. Since the nail jack is for professional use, it is not suitable for input to computers, tablets or smartphones. You can get efficiency in Windows 7 and above operating systems by thinning the nail jack microphone with a simple adapter and connecting it to your computer. However, we cannot guarantee that this is an easy way and that it will work 100%.
And finally, the main component of KaraokeBox; Audio-Mixer. It is a sound mixer with a particularly small structure so that it does not take up much space.
Power adapter to connect your Audio Mixer to the power source. 2 RCA cables with red, white and yellow ends that can transmit both video and audio to connect your mixer to related devices.
Geri bildirim gönder
Artsound Karaoke Box Set Mixer + 2 Microphones
Karaoke Box transforms any DVD player and television into a karaoke entertainment center. Thus, you can step into the magical world of karaoke by combining your voice with the music source you have. If we take a brief look at the contents of the KARAOKEBOX box, which was created for music lovers who want to make higher quality karaoke by using dual microphones to echo the voice as they wish or by adjusting the soloist’s voice to the desired level;
Two high-quality microphones, Model HQ-138. Another person can use the second microphone while performing a duet.
“Detachable cables” belonging to these microphones. These cables have a thick-tipped input called a nail jack. Since the nail jack is for professional use, it is not suitable for input to computers, tablets or smartphones. You can get efficiency in Windows 7 and above operating systems by thinning the nail jack microphone with a simple adapter and connecting it to your computer. However, we cannot guarantee that this is an easy way and that it will work 100%.
And finally, the main component of KaraokeBox; Audio-Mixer. It is a sound mixer with a particularly small structure so that it does not take up much space.
Power adapter to connect your Audio Mixer to the power source. 2 RCA cables with red, white and yellow ends that can transmit both video and audio to connect your mixer to related devices.
Geri bildirim gönder
About this product
Allows you to use condenser microphones with 48 Volt Phantom Power
Allows you to record guitar and bass flawlessly with TRS instrument input
Behringer, a German-based brand, provides the opportunity to use for many years thanks to the high-quality materials it uses
boya by-wm8 pro-k2
BOTS BT-1500 Professional Amplifier Mixer
School, Mosque, Hotel, Municipality, Announcement System, Music Broadcast System, Wedding Hall, Disco, Cafe, Bar, Theater, Meeting Hall, Professional Announcement, Music and Sound Systems.
Bots BT-1500 is a 48 volt phantom capable, 4 mono 4 stereo channel, 256 dsp 2×300 watt amplifier mixer model.
*256 DSP Professional Amplifier Mixer
*24 bit Multi Effect Processor
*4 Mono channel, 4 Stereo Channel
*48V Phantom
*Power 2x300W (4 ohm)
256 DSP Professional Amplifier Mixer
24 Bit Multi Effect Proccesor
4 Mono Channel, 4 Stereo Channel
48V Phantom
BOTS BT-1500 Professional Amplifier Mixer
Cosmos PowerTrack-116 / Mixer
General Features :
Wireless music transfer and playback via Bluetooth
Ability to play MP3 audio files with digital display and USB Memory Unit input
Ability to record in MP3 file format
+48 V Phantom Power power support
Dual 9-Band EQ
Mute button control on each channel
Built-in 16/99 DSP effect unit
Five channel monitor effect level control
3-band EQ controls on each channel
Dual 12-Band general output level indicator
Headphone monitor output for recording functions
Technical Features :
Number of Channels : 16 Channels
Channel EQ : 3-Band
Bus Groups : 1 Stereo
Microphone Input : 12
Effects : Dual – 16/99 DSP Effects
AUX Send : 1
Power Consumption: 55W
Dimensions : 609 X 425 X 117 (mm)
CVM-V02O Microfono lavalier omnidirezionale a condensatore Microfono con spina XLR Supporta alimentazione Phantom 48V

CVM-V02O Microfono lavalier omnidirezionale a condensatore Microfono con spina XLR Supporta alimentazione Phantom 48V
Informazioni su questo articolo
D-500 : 500-700 W 6 Zone 3 Aux 2 Microphone Input Mixer Amplifier (Dexun)
Dexun D-500 USB-SD-BT 350-700 W 6 Zone 3 Aux 2 Mic. Input Transformer Mixer Amplifier Features
Description: 6 Zone Mixer Amplifier
Power: 350-700 Watt
100 Volt Line Transformer
Mp3-Bluetooth Support
4-16 Ohm Output
Music Cut on Microphone
USB/SD Card Reader
6 Zone Volume Control
2 Microphone Input
Treble and Bass Control
Size: 2U
3 Aux Input
Model: D-500
DEXUN D-505 is a mixer amplifier that can distribute sound to 5 separate zones. It has a 500W power, 100V line transformer and 4-16 Ohm speaker outputs, and has a wide range of uses.
5 Zone Independent Volume Control: Separate volume adjustments can be made for each zone.
3 Microphone Inputs: Can be used to connect different types of microphones.
Music Cut Feature: Music can be automatically cut when there is microphone speech.
USB/SD Card Reader: Music can be played via USB memory or SD card.
Treble and Bass Control: Volume tone settings can be made.
Bluetooth Connection: Wireless music can be broadcast from smart devices.
MP3 Player: Music can be played with the built-in mp3 player.
Line Input: Audio signals can be received from devices such as CD players, DVD players.
Compact Design: Saves space with its 2U rack size.
Areas of Use:
Schools: It can be used for purposes such as announcement systems, in-class audio, music broadcast.
Stores: It can be used for purposes such as customer announcements, background music broadcasting.
Offices: It can be used for purposes such as announcement system, meeting room sounding.
Cafes and Restaurants: It can be used for purposes such as background music broadcasting, announcement system.
Gyms: It can be used for purposes such as motivational music broadcasting, announcement system.
Mosques: It can be used for purposes such as adhan broadcasting, sermon sounding.
DEXUN D-505 Zoned Mixer Amplifier is a powerful and useful device suitable for use in many different areas.
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See All Trending productsStarkvision STC-JK3 Kaliteli Kırmızı DC PowerJack
Starkvision STC-JK3 Kırmızı DC Erkek Güç Jak Bağlantısı, güvenilir ve sağlam yapısı ile elektronik projelerinizde yüksek performans sunar. Özellikle güvenli güç bağlantısı gerektiren projeler için idealdir.
Ürün Özellikleri:
Elektronik projelerinizin ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak ve uzun süre dayanıklı performans sağlamak için Starkvision STC-JK3 Kırmızı DC PowerJack ile güvenilir bir güç kaynağı bağlantısına sahip olun!
West Sound TKS 250 6 Channel 250 Watt Mixer Amplifier
Used in small mosques, schools, medium-sized businesses that broadcast announcements and music (such as restaurants, hotels, markets, social facilities, tea gardens). Amplifier power is selected according to the amount of speakers to be used. Impedance 4-8 Ohm
StarkPro ST-3784 3.5mm Stereo Female Plastic Jack Plug
1.57 x 0.35 x 0.35 inches; 0.11 ounces
DA-2500 2×500 Watt Stereo Two Channel 2×500W Power Amplifier
Features of CMX DA-2500 amplifier:
Description :
Specification :
Model | DA-2500 | |
Description | Class-D Two Channel 350W Power Amplifier | |
Rated Power Output | 2x500W | |
Speaker Output | 8Ω & 100V | |
Frequency Response | L/H Cut OFF 20Hz-20KHz (+1/-2dB) L/H Cut ON 70Hz-10KHz (+1/-3dB) | |
Input | 0.775V, 0dBu, balanced phoenix connector by two channels | |
Input Impedance | 10KΩ | |
THD | <0.1% (1KHz/-3dBv, 100W) | |
S/N Ratio | >80dB | |
Crosstalk | >60dB, 1KHz, Max output | |
Power Consumption | 1100W | |
Power Supply | AC input switchable between 115V & 230V, 50-60Hz 24V DC input included. | |
Dimension | 482(W)x420(D)x44(H) mm | |
Weight |
StarkPro Xtuga A140 UHF Professional 4 Channel Desktop Gooseneck Wireless Microphone System Kit

StarkPro Xtuga A140 UHF Professional 4 Channel Desktop Gooseneck Wireless Microphone System Kit
Xtuga A140 UHF Professional 4 Channel Desktop Gooseneck Wireless Microphone System Set
About this product
·Professional UHF 4 channel wireless microphone system: Professional UHF microphone system delivers clear and lound sound signal and VHF, dj wireless microphone receiver, Fixed frequency, superior anti-interference ability. Upgraded wireless signal reception, 2 anting ennas can be installed on the back of the receiver, to enhance the received signal, ensure high frequency stability and accuracy
·Robust Design and High Quality Sound: Rugged all-metal construction for four-channel UHF wireless microphone receiver and high sensitivity unidirectional handheld microphones, suitable for heavy use. High quality dynamic cartridge is specially designed to limit feedback and interference, pick up sound smoothly and transmit sound smoothly. Deliver clear, stable, optimum real sound
·Simple and Convenient Operation: Both the receiver and microphone feature a high-end LCD display, and the battery usage and working status are clear at a glance, also the receiver has four XLR balanced outputs and one 1/4″ (6.35mm) mix output jack. can be externally connected to various external devices such as amplifiers, mixers, stereos and more
·Stable Transmission Technology and Versatile Use: FCC certification and comply with new FCC rules, Professional wireless microphone set for speech. Better sound quality improvements, separate volume control and adjustable volume output as needed, it is a perfect choice for any outdoor events such as party, wedding, speech, conference, small concerts, karaoke. With working range up to 300 Ft
·Package List and Service Warranty: 4 Channel UHF wireless receiver, 2 Antennas, 4 UHF wireless Desktop Gooseneck microphones, Power adapter, 1/4” Audio cable, User manual.
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Yan paneller
StarkTech STT-2230ps USB Male To PS\2 Female Splitter Extension Cable
About this product
✪ COST EFFECTIVE. will allow you to use your old keyboard with your new computer that will only support USB interface. A nice way to extend the usefulness of your old high-quality and favorite keyboards. The adapter allowed you to use an old keyboard and helps you avoid some unnecessary storage space.
✪ COMPATIBILITY. Works perfectly even with very old keyboards. allows you to reuse the old installation with a full PS2 KVM. Works with both Linux and Win. Old keyboards and mice lying in the cellar can be useful again.
✪ Instantly Recognized. Can connect keyboard and mouse to it and plug them all into the usb port that immediately detects the device. Perfectly connect a mouse and keyboard to a laptop and it is recognized as soon as you boot it. Works without delay.
✪ QUALITY PRODUCT It has a USB chip inside。 It was easy to plug into the kvm cables and a solid fit. The quality of the adapter is well made and looks solid. Blue for keyboard, green for mouse. The build of the device is much better than most. There is this block in the middle of the cable. The adapter is sturdy enough to last for years and years. ✪ SIMPLE PLUG AND PLAY. It worked straight out of the box. No configuration, setup or adjustments required. Just plug and type.
StarkPro ST-4221P 6.3mm Mono Male to RCA Female Audio Converter Jack
About this item
Spirit Powerpad
Key Features:
Artsound Karaoke Box Set Mixer + 2 Microphones
Karaoke Box transforms any DVD player and television into a karaoke entertainment center. Thus, you can step into the magical world of karaoke by combining your voice with the music source you have. If we take a brief look at the contents of the KARAOKEBOX box, which was created for music lovers who want to make higher quality karaoke by using dual microphones to echo the voice as they wish or by adjusting the soloist’s voice to the desired level;
Two high-quality microphones, Model HQ-138. Another person can use the second microphone while performing a duet.
“Detachable cables” belonging to these microphones. These cables have a thick-tipped input called a nail jack. Since the nail jack is for professional use, it is not suitable for input to computers, tablets or smartphones. You can get efficiency in Windows 7 and above operating systems by thinning the nail jack microphone with a simple adapter and connecting it to your computer. However, we cannot guarantee that this is an easy way and that it will work 100%.
And finally, the main component of KaraokeBox; Audio-Mixer. It is a sound mixer with a particularly small structure so that it does not take up much space.
Power adapter to connect your Audio Mixer to the power source. 2 RCA cables with red, white and yellow ends that can transmit both video and audio to connect your mixer to related devices.
Geri bildirim gönder
Cosmos PowerTrack-116 / Mixer
General Features :
Wireless music transfer and playback via Bluetooth
Ability to play MP3 audio files with digital display and USB Memory Unit input
Ability to record in MP3 file format
+48 V Phantom Power power support
Dual 9-Band EQ
Mute button control on each channel
Built-in 16/99 DSP effect unit
Five channel monitor effect level control
3-band EQ controls on each channel
Dual 12-Band general output level indicator
Headphone monitor output for recording functions
Technical Features :
Number of Channels : 16 Channels
Channel EQ : 3-Band
Bus Groups : 1 Stereo
Microphone Input : 12
Effects : Dual – 16/99 DSP Effects
AUX Send : 1
Power Consumption: 55W
Dimensions : 609 X 425 X 117 (mm)
Matrix Mixer Amplifier 4x300W 4 Zone 4 Mic 1200W (HEPA MERZ) 100V
Matrix-1200 4 Zone Matrix Mixer Amplifier 4x300W 4 Zones 4 Separate Sound Broadcast (1200W)
The midex matrix-1200, which is in the matrix amplifier category, is a 4-zone, bluetooth-enabled matrix amplifier model that allows you to broadcast 4 different music or sounds to 4 different zones. Midex matrix-1200 prices with suitable payment options at yonka
Midex Matrix-1200 Features
Matrix amplifier
”4 Different Music or Voice Announcement Broadcast to 4 Different Zones”
The same sound or music broadcast to all zones at the same time when desired
4×300 Watt Total 1200 Watt
4-8 ohm / 100 volt on each output (Both transformer and transformerless speakers can be connected)
4 microphone/line inputs
Bluetooth Feature
Usb Mp3 module
Any of the 4 inputs or more than one input can be selected for each output and/or Mp3 module can be selected
When an announcement is made using 1 mute microphone input on the front, it takes all music or microphone sounds to the bottom.
Output sounds from the front panel and input signal levels can be adjusted from the rear panel.
NZMPro X3 Profesyonel Dj, Podcast, Yayın Ve Oyun Canlı Yayın Digital Ses Kartı

NZMPro X3 Profesyonel Dj, Podcast, Yayın Ve Oyun Canlı Yayın Digital Ses Kartı
NZMPro X3 Profesyonel Dj, Podcast, Yayın Ve Oyun Canlı Yayın Digital Ses Kartı
Brand | NZMPRO |
Number of channels | 5 |
Product Dimensions | 13D x 20.8W x 5.1H Centimetres |
Item weight | 0.72 Pounds |
Connectivity technology | USB |
Power source | Battery Powered |
Frequency | 20 KHz |
Output connector type | USB |
Audio input | USB |
Noise level | 12 dB |